Last Page of Calendar

This is the last page of a Lana Del Rey calendar that I made for the new year, 2015. I researched many pictures of Lana Del Rey in order to choose the best ones, fully capturing every bit of her amazing persona with every pixel. It wasn’t very difficult to make this calendar, but it was very time-consuming as well as somewhat obnoxious to print and bind. I don’t really intend on making another calendar anytime in the near future. READYTOPRINTHD_KY

“Smashing Magazine” Website Review

This article is all about taking about 15-20 minutes to design something every day. Being a designer, I can personally relate to this idea of wanting to create more and finding a routine to help myself do so, which is why I  like this article. All the artwork I’ve seen come about from this project is very unique and creative-two things I also want to be. Smashing Magazine claims that after completing the task, one will be a “better and more well-rounded designer.” That sounds pretty beneficial to me (: Perhaps I’ll try it. Anyone want to join?

Final Holiday Card

For my holiday card, I live-traced actual pictures of a kitten and tree branches, adjusting the thresholds such that they formed photo-realistic images. After this, I used the paint bucket tool in order to color them accordingly. Then, I used the “flare tool” (as hidden under the selection allocated for the creation of shapes like circles and squares) to create some interesting highlights upon the card. Next, I made a clipping mask so as to clean up the art board before finishing up my design. But I couldn’t have just images on my holiday card! That’s why I then referred to my brain for some cheesy Christmas puns to add to them, as seen below. I couldn’t decide between two of the phrases I came up with, so I decided to feature them both.


Christmas Card Research

Here we have about 24 or so examples of various holiday cards. For some reason, probably because I love cats, I wanted to use some sort of feline on my design. In the end, I methinks I shall go with the general “kitten under a tree with an ornament” type graphic, as seen below. However, I also wish for my cat on my card to be photo-realistic, so I shall probably use an actual photograph of a kitten and live trace in order to create what I have in mind. Keep yourself posted for more! c:

download (2) 01f93646387f2864531815609124e454 3b582ee144f9277757e6cf62dc8f79ac 18968f8478bf4b3027c0ee52fe0b74aa 0442223f34ebb2f753758e0c1dc3a466 cardwinner_t470 f0488d69c000b472824c7d9c8a49e44f Holiday-Gifts-for-Teachers1_product_main 3fa69f17b461092f3e093c558003302f 7fcb168747846a0b266ba3fc97d4fbc6 78cdcd13c95c66b0cd0f434eee2ddaaa 481d1e65a21d27e6224dab994ebc7177 640f3a3f2c2d7e0a0d2009438df1afc7 a31f5c69cffaa84bb53c064368f22524 aa6c64479825be5dcadc774f24f51b93 b2bd039cd16124ede9b72df78b8bce4b d5c0b5c9ab6cd86d32e2d0ac32576c66 d18035af13d66fe3d2104bf0b26d126c d20417f994bd2f6318d5d7832d3a25ca e040c389a023624cdfa50f803c36d3d4 eb868780e91d43d5ec6e9b214c8c080e images (1) images (2) images


The sun, it bursts! I mean, we all knew that at some point we would lose our precious sun, but we thought it’d be in millions and millions of years-WAYYYYYY after we were all long dead, of course! But no, the almighty miasma of incandescent plasma has met its end eons before it was ever meant to. As the great Billy Joel has said, “Only the good die young.” The sun was good. Why did it have to go? Why? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????!!!!

(P.S. My family and I were destroyed by our once-nurturing gargantuan star. I am writing this from the afterlife. A sad afterlife with no sun.)


Button Variations and Final Design

In order to choose the perfect three designs, I first had to fiddle around a little in Illustrator with the images I had found. First, I used live trace, then I made the image backgrounds the color “nothing,” and then I sized the images accordingly and colored them. On a few, I actually withheld some color so as to create more emphasis, such as leaving the octopus white with the pink background, and adding minimal color to the button with the crying anime-style eye. Sometimes, things really just aren’t the same with too much color. Usually people like to have as little white as possible in designs because they find it boring, blank, or basic; but I like to utilize white so that it is beautiful and in contrast with it’s exact opposite, black, such that it can become elegant and eye-catching rather than plain and ignored.


As you can see, I came up with several designs (I had WAYYY too many possible ideas), but I sadly only had the time and resources to bring three of them into existence. I started out by printing my three final designs and using a special button-sized hole punch to cut them out. An entire button paper should be 2.625 inches in order to run over and fold beneath the backing, but only about 2.25 inches are actually visible on the front of the button.Thankfully, I already knew this when creating my designs, so that was already taken care of, and I didn’t screw everything up last minute :p After my paper was cut out, I used a special manual button-pressing machine, putting a thin circle of plastic along with my image and the metal base on one side, and the metal backing with a pin attached to it on the other side. Then, all I had to do was press down and then switch sides and press down again. Then, violà! I had a button. Here are the finished results after each time c: