Technical Drawing: Ladybug

For this project, we were told to recreate a commercial product of any kind in illustrator, such as a professional designer might create a similar item in illustrator, making a sort of blueprints. Unlike a professional designer, however, we weren’t supposed to make blueprints: we were only supposed to design the physical representation of our designated item. I chose to draw a little ladybug trinket that I already had from home. To start, I simply took a picture of the ladybug (setting up a little impromptu backdrop with a sheet of computer paper). After that, I opened up the image in illustrator, and used lots of layering to create my ladybug, using mainly the pen tool (for the body & spots) and pencil tool (for highlights and whatnot). Below, you can see the finished product in contrast to the original picture. This was a fairly easy project, thankfully; it only took me one class period, which is about an hour and a half.

IMG_7790 technical_ladybug


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