Street Art Project by Google Website Review

Street Art Project by Google is a unique website that enables one to view fascinating and diverse street art from all around the world. Somehow the fact that every work of street art is constantly evolving and subject to change makes it all the more beautiful, causing one to revel in its spectacular temporarity.

Looking through this website could help designers grow professionally by giving them the sort of extraordinary inspiration that is singular to street art alone. It may also provoke them to expand their horizons in the eyes of art as a whole, rather than sticking to a particular genre or drawing style.

Street Art Project is a consistently evolving and expanding collection, with constant and current updates which allow a follower of this website to at any time change their style and endeavors at the same rate as the rest of the world. Another great thing about this website is that it pertains to all ages, demographics, and artistic levels, since it consists of examples from all over the world. Although personal art can’t be directly submitted, one may act as a “spotter” and tag pictures with “#streetartproject” to share their finds with others and possibly featured on the Street Art project website itself.

Personally, I find this website quite stimulating and inspiring, and I believe that my own digital arts class would feel the same. I like how creative and beautiful the street art from this website is, and it causes me to aspire to have all of my art be likewise. Whether or not I continue to use this website outside of class, I hope to use it more often within class so that my graphics can improve and grow like the amazing collection of street art from this site.


Street art is not always bold and graphic; it can still make a statement even when understated and featuring a pastel palette.

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